Sinoright Blog
The Function of Vitamins, Look at What You Lack of?

Vitamin A Function and Sources
Lack of vitamin A symptoms: low immunity, night blindness, vision loss, oral ulcers are not easy to heal, hair loss, wounds are not easy to heal, abscesses are not easily absorbed, skin ulcers are not easy to heal, and vitamin A is lacking.
Foods rich in vitamin A: Animal liver, freshwater fish, eggs, carrot, green leafy vegetables and yoghurt are rich in vitamin A, and are more easily absorbed by the body. It is recommended that small partners with vitamin A deficiency can be replenished in time.

Vitamin B Function and Sources
Lack of vitamin B family symptoms: nervous tension, neuritis, athlete's foot, seborrheic dermatitis, hemorrhoids, acne, indigestion, constipation, stool odor, anemia are all symptoms caused by the lack of one or several vitamin B family, if The appearance of these symptoms means that the vitamin B family in the body is insufficient and needs to be replenished.
Foods rich in vitamin B: beans, egg yolks, milk, lean meat, and whole grains contain a considerable portion of vitamin B. Reasonable combination with food can effectively alleviate the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency.

Vitamin C Function and Sources
Lack of vitamin C symptoms: lack of vitamin C will cause gum bleeding, tired and tired, mentally impaired, arteriosclerosis, anemia are symptoms of vitamin C deficiency.
Foods rich in vitamin C: Acidic fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C contained in cauliflower, green pepper, orange, grape juice and tomatoes can effectively solve the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin D Function and Sources
Lack of vitamin D symptoms: The most serious vitamin D deficiency can lead to childhood rickets and adult rickets, joint pain, insomnia, muscle atrophy are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
How to add vitamin D: The body itself can synthesize vitamin D. Proper exercise and sunbathing are enough to provide the vitamin D needed by the human body every day, so don't stay at home every day!

Vitamin E Function and Sources
Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency: dry hair, rough skin, keratosis of the hair follicles, memory loss, mood irritability and insomnia. Blockage of growth and development is prone to respiratory infections. The taste, smell is weakened and the appetite is reduced.
Vitamin E-rich foods include: kiwi, spinach, cabbage, kale, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, nuts, lean meat, dairy products, eggs, etc. All Green leaf vegetables contain more vitamin E.

In fact, as long as you try not to picky eaters, the diet structure is balanced, and the metabolism is normal, there will be no shortage of vitamins. If you find that you lack vitamins, you must replenish them in time, but remind everyone not to overdo it. Consequences of excessive consumption of vitamins are often more serious.