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Sinoright's Walking Rally and Environmental Litter Pick-Up
At 8:00 a.m. on May 18th, the 22nd Dalian International Hiking Conference kicked off with a grand opening. 132,000 hiking enthusiasts from countries and regions all over the world as well as more than a hundred cities in China participated in this event.

All the staff of Sinoright also participated in this "close to nature, practicing environmental protection" seaside hiking trip.

After three hours of joint efforts, Sinoright all finished the 10 kilometers of hiking distance, and at the same time, after everyone's hard work, the road along the way has become cleaner and brighter!

This hiking conference is destined to be unforgettable because of its unprecedented grandeur, but also because of the unity and dedication of our partners, let us praise for every Sinoright employee, but also for our common environmental protection cause!