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Acetophenone is a colorless or yellow-tinted liquid with a sweet, strong odor. It is used in fragrances, as a food and beverage flavoring agent, and a solvent for plastics and resins.
► ODOR THRESHOLD = 0.36 to 0.6 ppm.
► Odor thresholds vary greatly.

Why is it named acetophenone?
The name 'acetophenone' does not follow conventional IUPAC naming methods, because it is such a simple ketone it is known by the common name of acetophenone. The actual IUPAC name would be: 1-phenylethanone. There are two reasons that we know the ketone needs to be on the first carbon.
What is acetophenone made of?
Acetophenone is a chemical compound that can be made as a byproduct of the oxidation of cumene (isopropylbenzene) or ethylbenzene. It's used as a flavoring agent in foods, drink, and tobacco thanks to its sweet taste.What is acetophenone used for?
Acetophenone is used for fragrance in soaps and perfumes, as a flavoring agent in foods, and as a solvent for plastics and resins. Acute (short-term) exposure to acetophenone vapor may produce skin irritation and transient corneal injury in humans.